Sunday, June 24, 2018

Week 2 Newsletter 2018

Hello Everyone,

I hope you connected with your bin or bucket last week and that you are making room in your refrigerator for Week 2! The full shares are packed in a 1/2 bushel black plastic bin and we use an 8 quart sapphire blue bucket for the small share. The strawberry plants are continuing to produce berries and the garden enjoyed the gentle rain last night.

Below you will find information about green garlic and garlic scape:

Green garlic looks like a scallion with a fat white bulb and dark green stem. It’s an immature garlic plant that farmers remove when thinning out their garlic crop. It has a subtle garlic flavor and the entire green can be used. It may be used in salads, vinaigrettes, sprinkled on pasta, pizza, sauces, and in marinades for grilled foods.

Garlic scapes are the curled flower stalks of hard-necked garlic varieties. They are a seasonal treat, cut off to encourage better bulb growth underneath and are available through early summer. Scapes are crunchy, have a mild garlic flavor, and can be used like green garlic or mature garlic. The whole scape, the flower head as well as the green stalk, can be chopped and used raw or cooked.

This week's list:

Week 2 Bin:

Garlic Scape
Mixed Greens
Sugar Snap Peas or Shallots
Garlic Scape
Maple Syrup

Small Share:

Lettuce or Arugula
White Turnips
Green Garlic

Green Garlic
The tender baby turnips of late spring and summer, the smallest bulbs of this root vegetable yield delicate, sweet flavor. Turnips are great candidates for a variety of cooking methods: roasting, braising, sautéing, and steaming. You can also thinly shave or julienne them to use raw in salads. This is a great recipe that incorporates both bulb and greens in one dish.

Last week one member wrote me a note and explained how she prepared her radishes and radish greens with wonderful results. This recipe could easily be adapted to use radishes.

Braised Turnips with Greens

Yield: Serves 4 (serving size: about 1/2 cup)

CHERYL SLOCUM January 2017 Cooking Light


6 small turnips with greens
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup unsalted vegetable stock
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons cold butter
1 teaspoon honey

How to Make It

Trim and peel turnips; reserve and chop the greens. Halve turnips. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Add turnips, cut side down; cook 4 minutes or until golden. Turn and add vegetable stock, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil; cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer until turnips are crisp-tender, 5 to 6 minutes. Uncover, increase heat to medium-high, and add greens; cook until liquid reduces by three-fourths and thickens, about 6 minutes. Swirl in butter and honey.

Strawberries, Sour Cream And Brown Sugar

Prep 5 mins
Total 5 mins

Yield 2 -3 servings


1 quart strawberries, leaves attached
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup brown sugar


Rinse strawberries and put the whole strawberries in a bowl with the leaves attached, a bowl of brown sugar and a bowl of sour cream. Let the dipping begin!

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